Monday, 1 June 2020


Early morning walk along the canal and I did not take my camera, mainly due to I left it upstairs when I got up early and to retrieve it would wake the household up, I would regret it and ensure next time I am more organised.

The outward leg was quiet in a chilly wind, despite the sunshine.  Birds of note were 2 Meadow Pipit, a Common Whitethroat (only the second this year on the canal), 2 Skylarks singing and rising high in the air, and several Reed Warblers.

When I reached my turn point, after talking to a guy who was also up early and pole fishing I noticed a large raptor further down the canal.  It was a nice surprise to see a male Marsh Harrier, which is a first for my patch around Hamstreet in 17 years.  Whilst they are common across the Romney Marsh, with Hamstreet being right on the edge it is unusual for them to come this far.  Walking back I had some good views (and would have been some good photo's) until it flew off and landed in the field.  As I got close where it was hovering around I realised there were Moorhens with young chicks, so I believe that may have been what he was after and I ruined his breakfast. Shortly after he took off and flew back over the marsh.

Towards the end of the canal I saw a Robin, which is unusual to get along the canal path itself, and then a Black Headed Gull flew past.  These gulls are more unusual to see around the canal and Hamstreet, they do come over but not often, it is normally Herring Gulls, so a nice tick and the first on the canal this year.

The rest of the journey home saw a Cuckoo, a Barn Swallow and 6 Swifts. Checking the wildlife cam, which I had located to a new spot overlooking the edge of the pond was empty, nothing to show from there today.

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