Sunday, 12 February 2012

A cold day in East Kent

Finally managed to do the trip that I was going to do last week before the untimley snow, off to Deal and East Kent.

On arrival at Deal as I was early in meeting friends I shot down to the Ancient Highway and picked up a magnificent male Grey Partridge right next to the road. When will I get it in my thick head to pick up my camera every time I go out, what a great picture it would have been and the first of what would have been many great shots today.

At Deal Pier and hour of seawatching brought Common Scoter, Gannet, Kittiwake, Red Throat Diver, Razorbill and a Peregrine amongst others. The Peregrine which had caught a small wader was harrased by gulls, dropped the wader and lost his meal, with the Herring Gulls having it instead. Then came the snow so it was inside the cafe for a slap up breakfast and watch what birds could be seen through the snow out of the window.

Then news came through of the Kumliens Gull showing in Dover, I hadn't got it yet and nor had a couple of others so it was off to Dover, the snow had now stopped.

In Dover as soon as we got out of the cars at Wellington Dock we saw a Grebe which we soon identified as a Slavonian. Then for a walk around to Admiralty Pier where the gull was last seen. After some time searching we did see the Kumliens Gull along with Razorbill, Knot, Shag, Kittiwake and Rock Pipit. The Kittiwakes were sitting on the wall of pier and we got within 3-4 feet of them without them flying away, another photo opportuniy lost.

After lunch I split up from my friends and headed home via Hythe to pick up 7 Purple Sandpipers by the Stade Hotel, and Dungeness to get a Goosander which I had not got this year (ended up with 1 of them on the new diggings.

On arriving home I walked into the garden and scared off a Grey Heron which was trying to get at my goldfish, if he had got them I would have been impressed through 4 inches of ice, so another garden tick for the year.

All in all, a good day


  1. Good to see others watching from Deal pier, although it is very variable.... sounds like you were there on a good day!
    Re Little Owl in the road - why do they do this? I've seen them dead in the road because of this habit, and had to stop on the Ashford - Brenzett racetrack to remove a Tawny Owl from the middle of the road.

    1. Hi, yes it was a good day, we always go every year in February and this year was not the best but enjoyable all the same. Re the Little Owl, I don't know why they do this, it is very common for Little Owls as I constantly see them sitting in the road when driving around this area. I wondered if it was because the tarmac may be warm. Tried to google it but could not get a sensible answer :-) On Boxing Day I left a friends house up by Ashford Football ground about midnight and as we drove back to Hamstreet there was a Tawny Owl sitting in the middle of the road and it was not bothered by us driving pass. We stopped and it then flew off as I opened the door. Sad as I see so many owls and birds of prey dead in the road.
